Editado pelo Instituto para a Publicação dos Escritos do Rabbi Meir Kahane, e a um preço de 37 $, vem de sair à luz
RABBI MEIR KAHANE: A sua vida e pensamento (Volume Primeiro: 1932-1975)
Sobre a autora:
Libby Kahane esteve casada com o Rabbi Meir Kahane desde 1956 até o seu assassinato em 1990. Ambos, junto com os seus quatro filhos, trasladaram-se a Israel em 1971, onde Libby trabalhou como bibliotecária na National Library de Jerusalém durante 27 anos. A sua experiência investigadora, combinada com o seu conhecimento de primeira mão dos sucessos, apresentam uma exaustiva análise da ideologia e a estratégia política do Rabbi Meir Kahane, desde as suas experiências juvenis que o marcaram.
Citas do Rabbi Meir Kahane tiradas do livro:
"When the chips are down, you know who’s going to fight for the Jew? Only the Jew. And it’s about time we understood this." (1971)
"If all anti-Semitism could be made, by magic, to disappear, the American Jew would still face a problem of survival. The disease of assimilation and alienation of Jewish youth from its heritage and people is often spoken about, but its full gravity and danger are not comprehended by most of us. We face the problem of young Jews by the hundreds whose lack of Jewish identity and pride and whose Jewish rootlessness combine to drive them into foreign fields and hostile ideologies....
At the same time, in Israel, the ironic growth of a similar Jewish identity crisis has arisen to plague the state with young Jews who identify with the state but not the Jewish people and whose alienation from Jewish heritage and tradition has now been joined by weakening of ties with their fellow Jews in exile." (1972)
"Jewish survival and redemption are proof eternal and ultimate that the world is not governed by logic, by sanity or by man. It is controlled and decreed by G-d." (1975)
"The Jew who makes his body bend to his will is a man who has no chains on his arms. The Jew who hears the cry of fellow Jews and casts off from himself the vanities and nonsense of money and sterile status ... and leaps into the waters of duty – this is a man who has come out of Egypt." (1975)
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